MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: ResponsAbility Investments Loans $10m to Kompanion Bank of Kyrgyzstan

ResponsAbility Investments AG, a Swiss company specializing in investments in areas such as fair trade, recently informed MicroCapital that it has agreed to loan the equivalent of USD 10 million to Kompanion Bank Closed Joint Stock Company, an organization in Kyrgyzstan whose business comprises more than 90 percent microfinance, according to the US-based nonprofit Microfinance Information Exchange.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: International Finance Corporation (IFC), Global Agriculture and Food Security Program, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, Managed Co-Lending Portfolio Program to Loan $110m to Cambodia’s Acleda for Agricultural Lending

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group; the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP), a multilateral mechanism established by the G20 group of 20 large economies; Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), a Tokyo-based subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group; and the IFC Managed Co-Lending Portfolio Program, a platform that allows institutional investors to participate in IFC’s senior-loan portfolio, recently announced that they will be loaning a total of 110 million to Acleda Bank (Acleda), a Cambodian commercial bank.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: AccessHolding Enters Latin America Acquiring 93% Equity Stake in Accion Microfinancas of Brazil

Access Microfinance Holding AG (AccessHolding), a German company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs), recently announced that it has acquired 93 percent of the equity in Accion Microfinancas SCMEPP SA, a Brazilian MFI that operates as a subsidiary of US-based nonprofit Accion.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Likely to Loan $150m in Jordan Including to Bank Al Etihad, Cairo Amman Bank for On-lending to Micro-, Small, Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs)

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), a multilateral institution headquartered in London, is considering setting up a senior unsecured credit facility in the amount of USD 150 million for banks in Jordan for on-lending to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Seven International Lending Institutions Launch Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF)

The Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF), an alliance focused on creating a sustainable financial market for small agricultural businesses, recently was launched by seven international lending institutions at the 11th Skoll World Forum on social entrepreneurship in Oxford, United Kingdom.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: International Finance Corporation (IFC), Mongolia Seek to Improve Secured-Transaction Payment System

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private-investment arm of the US-based World Bank Group, has recently partnered with Mongolia’s Ministry of Justice to augment Mongolia’s regulatory system for secured-transaction payments, transactions between lenders and borrowers that are predicated on borrowers’ collateral.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: India-based Five Star Raises Equity Financing from Matrix to Expand Branch Network, Increase Lending to Micro-, Small, Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs)

Five Star Business Credits (Five Star), an Indian non-bank financial company that lends to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the country, recently announced that it has raised an undisclosed sum in equity financing from Matrix Partners India, the Indian subsidiary of US-based private equity firm Matrix Partners.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) of Kenya, Women’s World Banking of US Partner to Serve Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

Kenya-based Financial Services Deepening (FSD), a trust that provides funding to financial institutions, and US-based Women’s World Banking (WWB), a nonprofit that works with financial institutions to provide financial tools to low-income women in 28 countries, reportedly are partnering to provide financial services to women in Sub-Saharan Africa.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Hypo Alpe Adria Group, ResponsAbility Social Investments AG Approve Loans Totaling $7m to Microcredit Foundation Prizma of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hypo Alpe Adria Group, a state-owned Austrian financial group, and ResponsAbility Social Investments, a Swiss investment organization founded in 2003, approved loans of BAM 5 million (USD 3.2 million) and EUR 3 million (USD 3.7 million), respectively, to Microcredit Foundation Prizma, a microcredit organization operating in rural Bosnia and Herzegovina. The funds will be used to expand Prizma’s operations.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: European Sustainable Investment Forum’s (EUROSIF’s) European SRI Transparency Code Attracts 350 Signatories

The European SRI Transparency Code, a document outlining guidelines for maintaining the transparency of socially responsible investing (SRI), has attracted approximately 350 signatories.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Center for Financial Inclusion Releases “Over-Indebtedness of Microborrowers in Ghana” by Jessica Schicks

The Center for Financial Inclusion (CFI), an affiliate of US-based nonprofit ACCION International, recently released a report on “Over-Indebtedness of Microborrowers in Ghana,” which explores the gap between providers’ and clients’ perceptions of indebtedness [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: EU Pledges Additional €5m to EBRD’s Small Business Programmes in Eastern Europe

The European Union (EU) has committed an additional EUR 5 million (USD 6.9 million) to the UK-based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for its “TurnAround Management” (TAM) and “Business Advisory Service” (BAS) programs in the Eastern Partnership region [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Disburses $4m in Loans and Equity to Bai Tushum of Kyrgyz Republic; Arnur Credit, Bereke of Kazakhstan

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made investments totaling the equivalent of USD 4 million in Bai Tushum of the Kyrgyz Republic, Arnur Credit of Kazakhstan and Bereke of Kazakhstan.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $8m to Kompanion of Kyrgyz Republic, Eskhata of Tajikistan, XacBank of Mongolia

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made debt investments totaling USD 8 million through MIVs it manages in the following institutions: USD 3 million to Kompanion Financial Group Microfinance Closed Joint Stock Company, an MFI in Kyrgyzstan; USD 2 million to Eskhata Bank, an institution in Tajikistan that lends to micro- and small businesses; and USD 3 million to XacBank, a community development MFI in Mongolia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Belgian Incofin Loans $1.5m to TenGer Financial Group of Mongolia

Incofin cvso, a Belgian cooperative company that invests in microfinance, recently loaned MNT 41 million (USD 1.5 million) to Tenger Financial Group, a Mongolian Company that controls XacBank LLC, XacLeasing LLC, Horus Nomadic Solutions LLC and TenGer Insurance LLC. Founded in 2001, the group was formed following the merger of Goviin Ehlel (renamed XAC-GE Holding) and X.A.C. (renamed XacBank), two non-bank financial institutions that focus on micro-, small and medium enterprises.

MICROCAPITAL SPECIAL REPORT: “Principles for Investors in Inclusive Finance” Launched at Responsible Finance Forum in The Hague, Netherlands

A group of 40 global investors in the microfinance industry, including US retirement planning firm TIAA-CREF and several microfinance investment vehicles (MIV), recently launched a set of guiding principles for investing in the microfinance industry at the Responsible Finance Forum in The Hague, Netherlands. The initiative – titled “Principles for Investors in Inclusive Finance” – is reportedly the brainchild of Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima, the United Nations Secretary General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, and a core group of Dutch investors, including; Triodos, a microfinance investment vehicle (MIV); Goodwell, a for-profit social investment outfit; Oikocredit, a cooperative investment fund; PGGM, an investment and pension firm; and SNS Asset Management, an institutional investment group. The group and Her Royal Highness Princess Maxima developed the principles together with CGAP and the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), a network of international investors created to promote the practice of responsible investing.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: German Asset Management Firm, Finance In Motion, Signs the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment

Finance in Motion (FIM), a German asset management firm with EUR 800 million under advisory, has signed the United Nations’ (UNs’) Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), thereby pledging to integrate sustainability into its investment processes. The PRI are declarations jointly developed by the UN Environment Program Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact.