KNOW A MICROFINANCE FUND: Développement International Desjardins Investment Fund for international Development (DID FONIDI)

The Investment Fund for international Development (FONIDI) invests in financing institutions or specialized funds within the financial sector in developing countries.

MICROCAPITAL.ORG BRIEF: Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance Ltd to Raise USD 20-25 Million in Equity Capital

The India-based microfinance institution (MFI), Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance Ltd, which is part of BASIX, a group of companies that participate in microfinance and other services to the poor, is planning to raise USD 20 to 25 million in equity capital in the next two to three weeks [1,2,3]. This comes after Bhartiya Samruddhi raised USD 9.87 million in equity capital in April of 2009 [1]. This investment was covered by Microcapital and investors included Lok Capital LLC, Aavishkaar Goodwell India Microfinance Development Company, and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) [4]. S Ramachandran, Bhartiya Samruddhi’s Chief Financial Officer, has stated that the MFI is “in talks with mainstream [private equity] players” [1]. He has also stated that the MFI may turn to raising debt after this round of equity capital, and may raise even more equity in June [1]. Intellectual Capital Advisory Services (Intellecap), “a social-sector advisory firm” that advised the last round of equity capital for Bhartiya Samruddhi, will advise the coming round as well [1,5].

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: IFC Reports on Its Activities: Access to Finance (A2F) Highlights Report 2009

Published by IFC, 40 pages, available at:$FILE/A2F-HighlightsReport2009.pdf

The International Financial Corporation, the investment arm of the World Bank, has published its annual Access to Finance Highlights Report for 2009. The report covers the efforts of the IFC to expand and improve financial access. Some of the main highlights include:

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Members of Azerbaijan Microfinance Association (AMFA) Reach Microloan Portfolio of USD 393 Million

According to an article from the online publication, Azerbaijan Business Center, microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are members of the Azerbaijan Microfinance Association have reached a combined microloan portfolio of USD 393 million as of October 1, 2009 [1,2]. Additionally, the number of active borrowers has exceeded 274,600 [1].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Tanzanian Newspaper ‘The Citizen’ Reports on Performance of ‘Youth Self Employment Foundation’ (Yosefo), a Tanzanian Microfinance Institution (MFI), After 12 Years of Existence

The Citizen, a Tanzanian newspaper, has reported on the performance of the Youth Self Employment Foundation (Yosefo), a microfinance institution(MFI) in Tanzania that has now been in existence for twelve years [1,2]. In this time period, Yosefo has loaned Sh11.6 billion, the equivalent of over USD 8.7 million, to 28,000 borrowers, according to the Citizen’s report on comments from Altemius Millinga, Executive Director of Yosefo [1].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Bandhan India receives $32m loan from PNB

Bandhan, a microfinance institution (MFI) in Kolkata, India, received a Rs 1.5 billion loan (USD 32 million) loan from Punjab National Bank (PNB).  Bandhan plans to add a minimum of 100,000 new borrowers over the next five months.  PNB has linked the rate of the loan to its benchmark prime lending rate (BPLR), so the movement in BPLR will affect Bandhan’s cost of funds.  Currently the BPLR is at 11 percent.  The cost of the loan including a processing fee and operational cost is estimated to be 11.75 percent.  The loan will be offered for a three-year period.  Bandhan will use the funds to offer micro loans to poor women at 12.5 percent per year. [1]

MICROFINANCE PAPER WRAP-UP: Advances in Measuring Social Performance for Microfinance Institutions by Micol Pistelli

Written by Micol Pistelli, Manager of Social Performance at MIX for Workshop 8 at the IDB Foromic 2009 (Inter-American Forum on Microfinance) in Arequipa, Peru. Published October 2009 by the MIX, 2 pages, available at:

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Communications Company Telenor Pakistan Launch Mobile Banking Service with Tameer Microfinance Bank

Telenor Pakistan, a subsidiary of the Norwegian mobile communications company, Telenor, and Tameer Microfinance Bank, a microfinance bank that is partially owned by Telenor, have launched a mobile banking service called “easypaisa” [1,2,3,4]. With the service, customers will be able to manage their accounts via their mobile phone, as well as send and receive money and pay bills from various outlets [1].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: Daily Monitor of Uganda Reports on Progress of Equity Bank Uganda, Bank Formed After Acquisition by Equity Bank of Kenya

The Daily Monitor Online of Uganda has reported on the progress of Equity Bank Uganda, a microfinance bank that was formed when Equity Bank, a major bank in Kenya, acquired 100 percent of Uganda Microfinance Limited [1,2]. The acquisition, valued at 1.66 billion Kenyan shillings, the equivalent at the time of over USD 26.9 million, was reported by Microcapital in April of 2008 [3].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: P500 Billion (USD 10.7 Billion) Bank Loans Exposed to Defaults in Philippines After Tropical Storms

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the central bank of the Philippines, has estimated that P-500-Billion (USD 10.7 Billion) worth of loans are at risk of default due to financial hardships that have come as a result of the typhoons “Ondoy” and “Pepeng” that hit the Philippines in late September [1,2]. This is 24 percent of the total loan portfolio of the banking sector in the Philippines [1]. Because those most vulnerable are individual and retail borrowers, the microfinance industry has been particularly effected by the storms [2]. The typhoons mainly damaged parts of Luzon and the capital, Manila, which accounts for about 30 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) [2].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG STORY: International Banking Systems Online Journal Publishes Supplement On The Role of Technology In Microfinance And Highlights Importance Of Risk Management Systems

The International Banking Systems publication (IBS), an online journal that provides information on banking systems and operations, have produced a detailed supplement on the role of technological systems in microfinance [1]. An article within the supplement entitled ‘Technology for Microfinance – Trends driving the technology’ [2], the authors discuss the growing importance of risk management systems in MFIs. These systems are significant as they allow MFIs to address critical issues such as over-indebtedness, a problem which has become acute for some MFIs in the current financial turmoil, and report to their investors promptly.