MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Invests $5.5m in Microfinance Institutions TBC Kredit of Azerbaijan, Kazmicrofinance of Kazakhstan; Microfinance Investment Vehicle ACCION Investments in Microfinance

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt and equity investments totaling the equivalent of USD 5.5 million in two microfinance institutions (MFIs), TBC Kredit of Azerbaijan and Kazmicrofinance Limited Liability Company (KMF) of Kazakhstan, and microfinance investment vehicle ACCION Investments in Microfinance, which was established by US-based nonprofit ACCION International [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans Local-Currency Equivalent of $4m to Microfinance Institutions Pearl Microfinance Limited of Uganda, Lift Above Poverty Organisation of Nigeria, Sinapi Aba Trust of Ghana

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments totaling the equivalent of USD 4 million in microfinance institutions (MFIs) Pearl Microfinance of Uganda, Lift Above Poverty Organisation (LAPO) of Nigeria and Sinapi Aba Trust of Ghana [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Global Microfinance Fund Lends $2.3m to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Coopronaranjo of Costa Rica, Fundación Amanecer of Colombia, COAC Esperanza y Progreso Del Valle of Ecuador

Swiss company responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility) recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made loans to three Latin American microfinance institutions (MFIs): USD 1.5 million to Coopronaranjo of Costa Rica, USD 500,000 to Cooperativa de Ahorro y Credito Esperanza y Progreso del Valle (COAC Progreso) of Ecuador and the local currency equivalent of USD 374,000 to Fundación Amanecer of Colombia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $9.2m to Microfinance Institutions FINCA of Mexico, IDEPRO of Bolivia, EDPYME Alternativa of Peru, D-Miro of Ecuador

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs) through its MIVs equivalent to the following amounts: the local-currency equivalent of USD 4.92 million to FINCA Mexico, the local-currency equivalent of USD 850,000 to Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva (IDEPRO) in Bolivia, USD 1.41 million to Entidad de Desarrollo a la Pequeña y Micro Empresa (EDPYME) Alternativa in Peru and USD 2 million to Fundación para el Desarrollo Microempresarial D-Miro (D-Miro) in Ecuador [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Invests $2.5m in Microfinance Institution Asian Credit Fund of Kazakhstan, Bank Eskhata of Tajikistan, XacLeasing of Mongolia

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments totaling the equivalent of USD 2.5 million in microfinance institutions Asian Credit Fund LLP of Kazakhstan, Bank Eskhata (Eskhata) of Tajikistan and XacLeasing, a sister company of Mongolian microfinance institution XacBank [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $4.4m to Profinanzas of Peru, Coomuldesa of Colombia, the Mexican Arms of ProCredit and ProMujer

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance, recently reported to MicroCapital that it made debt investments totaling the approximate equivalent of USD 4.4 million through microinvestment vehicles (MIVs) it manages to Profinanzas of Peru, Coomuldesa of Colombia and the Mexican arms of ProCredit and ProMujer.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Invests $13.5m in Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) VisionFund Cambodia, Equity Bank of Kenya

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss for-profit company that operates four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments of USD 13.5 million in microfinance institutions (MFIs) Equity Bank of Kenya and VisionFund Cambodia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Disburses $4m in Loans and Equity to Bai Tushum of Kyrgyz Republic; Arnur Credit, Bereke of Kazakhstan

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made investments totaling the equivalent of USD 4 million in Bai Tushum of the Kyrgyz Republic, Arnur Credit of Kazakhstan and Bereke of Kazakhstan.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $749k to Pearl Microfinance Limited of Uganda, Association Al Karama de Micro Credit of Morocco

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investment totaling USD 749,439 in microfinance institutions Pearl Microfinance Limited of Uganda and Association Al Karama de Micro Credit (Al Karama) of Morocco [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $3m to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Hattha Kaksekar Limited (HKL) of Cambodia, Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK) Ventura of Indonesia

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investment totaling the equivalent of USD 3 million in microfinance institutions Hattha Kaksekar Limited (HKL) of Cambodia and Mitra Bisnis Keluarga (MBK) Ventura of Indonesia [1].

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $10.5m in Local Currency to ProCredit Affiliates in Ecuador, Mexico; Peruvian Microfinance Institutions Confianza, Crear Arequipa

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made local-currency loans equivalent to the following amounts through its MIVs: USD 2 million to ProCredit Ecuador; USD 2.97 million to ProCredit Mexico; USD 2.05 million to Financiera Confianza and USD 3.5 million to Edpyme Crear Arequipa, the last two of which are microfinance institutions (MFIs) located in Peru.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Invests $4.3m in Microfinance Institutions Mikrofin Banja Luka of Bosnia and Herzegovina; the Agency for Finance in Kosovo (AFK); Credo and Crystal, Both of Georgia

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss for-profit company that operates four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments totalling USD 4.36 million in microfinance institutions (MFIs) Mikrofin Banja Luka of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Agency for Finance in Kosovo (AFK), Credo of Georgia and Crystal, also of Georgia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $8m to Kompanion of Kyrgyz Republic, Eskhata of Tajikistan, XacBank of Mongolia

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made debt investments totaling USD 8 million through MIVs it manages in the following institutions: USD 3 million to Kompanion Financial Group Microfinance Closed Joint Stock Company, an MFI in Kyrgyzstan; USD 2 million to Eskhata Bank, an institution in Tajikistan that lends to micro- and small businesses; and USD 3 million to XacBank, a community development MFI in Mongolia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $24m to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Inecobank, Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia (ACBA), ACBA Leasing all of Armenia; DemirBank of Azerbaijan; Sekerbank of Turkey

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that operates four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments totaling USD 24 million in microfinance institutions (MFIs) Inecobank, Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Armenia (ACBA) and ACBA leasing of Armenia; DemirBank of Azerbaijan; and Sekerbank of Turkey. The investments have been made through three MIVs: responsAbility Global Microfinance Fund (rAGMF), responsAbility Microfinance Leaders Fund (rAMLF) and responsAbility Mikrofinanz-Fonds.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $27m to Microfinance Institution Prizma of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Russia’s Forus Bank, NBD Bank, FINCA Russia

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that manages four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments worth the equivalent of USD 27.4 million in NBD Bank, a commercial bank in Russia, and three microfinance institutions (MFIs): Microcredit Foundation Prizma of Bosnia and Herzegovina; FINCA Russia; and Forus Bank, also of Russia.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $6.7m to Interfisa of Paraguay, Ecofuturo of Bolivia, FIE Grand Poder of Argentina, Locfund

responsAbility Social Investments AG (responsAbility), a Swiss asset management company that invests in microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it made debt investments totaling approximately USD 6.7 million through MIVs it manages to Locfund, an MIV with offices in Costa Rica and Bolivia, and the following three MFIs: Interfisa, a financial intermediation company offering loans, voluntary savings and fund transfer services in Paraguay; Ecofuturo, a regulated Bolivian MFI that supports the development of small and micro-enterprises; and FIE Grand Poder of Argentina.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: FINCA International Announces Launch of FINCA Microfinance Holding With Investments of $74m from IFC, KfW, FMO, responsAbility, Triple Jump

FINCA International, a US-based network of microfinance institutions (MFIs) in 21 countries, has established FINCA Microfinance Holding (FMH) LLC, with USD 74 million from social investors including: USD 35 million from International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private-investment arm of the World Bank Group; USD 15 million from KfW Bankengruppe, a German development bank; EUR 10.5 million (USD 14 million) from Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO in Dutch), a Dutch public-private partnership (PPP); USD 5 million from the responsAbility Global Microfinance Fund (rAGMF), a microfinance investment vehicle (MIV) managed by responsAbility Social Investments AG of Switzerland; and USD 5 million from Triple Jump, a Dutch investment manager and advisory firm for the microfinance sector.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: responsAbility Loans $3.9m to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Arvand of Tajikistan, Mol Bulak of Kyrgyzstan, Constanta and Lazika Capital, Both of Georgia

responsAbility Social Investments AG, a Swiss investment company that operates four microfinance investment vehicles (MIVs), recently reported to MicroCapital that it has made debt investments totalling USD 3.9 million in microfinance institutions (MFIs) Arvand of Tajikistan, Mol Bulak Finance of Kyrgyzstan, Joint Stock Company (JSC) Bank Constanta of Georgia and JSC Lazika Capital of Georgia.