MICROCAPITAL STORY: Ugandan Microfinance Minister Emphasizes Provision of Agricultural Finance in the Region

In a closing speech at the annual general meeting of the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Uganda (AMFIU), Ugandan Minister of Microfinance, General Salim Saleh stated “Provision of agricultural finance is the actual bullet that will kill poverty“. The minister continued that before financial provision could aid the agricultural sector, the National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) should provide advice and technical assistance to farmers to prevent crop failures and other problems that could cause delay or failure of loan payments, emphasizing “appropriate funding to worthwhile agricultural projects.”

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Ugandan Government to Set up Laws for Regulating its Microfinance Sector

During the 2007 Citigroup Micro-entrepreneurship awards ceremony in Kampala on January 10, 2008, State Minister for Microfinance, Caleb Akandwanaho announced that a new law regulating the activities of microfinance institutions will take effect in June 2008.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Another Microfinance Institution (MFI) Closes in Uganda as Chaos Continues in the Sector

The Support Organisation for Micro Enterprises Development (SOMED), a microfinance firm in the Kibaale District of Uganda was shut down in December last year while police claim they are investigating allegations of extortion, embezzlement and fraud. The company had been offering low-interest loans since 2004.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Women’s Enterprise Fund Launched by Kenyan Government to Support Women’s Microfinance Institutions

The Kenyan Government has established a USD 16 million (Sh 1 billion) fund, called the Women’s Enterprise Fund, to support microfinance institutions (MFIs) that lend to women and women’s enterprises. At the launch, the government announced the allocation of the first USD 8 million (Sh 500 million), with USD 3.4 million (Sh 215 million) going to established MFIs and the rest being spent on fund administration and providing 210 constituencies with money to disburse at a local level.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Violence Erupts in Kampala as The Bank of Uganda Warns Customers May Lose Their Savings in Troubled Microfinance Institutions

The central bank in Uganda, the Bank of Uganda (BOU), has warned that customers in the country’s Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) may lose their savings, according to reports in The Monitor, a daily newspaper in Kampala. The paper says the SACCOs, which are types of microfinance institution, are unsupervised and unregulated by the BOU, which “has now washed itself clean of any responsibility for the actions of such institutions” and will not be able to intervene or provide compensation for those clients that suffer.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: SPEED Ghana Launches a Ratings Service for Local Microfinance Institutions With Support from GTZ and DANIDA

Support Programme for Enterprise Employment and Development (SPEED), a Ghanian NGO that provides technical assistance and development services to microfinance institutions (MFIs), has introduced a ratings service for smaller financial institutions in Ghana. The initiative has been supported by GTZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH, the international sustainable development enterprise owned by the German federal government, and DANIDA, the Danish International Development Agency.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Popular Theater Mocks “Fraudulent” Microfinance Firms in Uganda

The alleged fraud of Front Page Micro Finance and three other microfinance firms in Uganda, as reported on MicroCapital on 21 September 2007 (see full story below), has been satirised in Uganda’s annual comedy event, the Grand Comedy Show. Staged by Theatre Uganda, the Grand Comedy presents a series of skits that mock current events in the country. Recently they have added a new skit to their repertoire called “Funk Microfinance” in which the alleged cheating microfinance institutions appear.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Police in Uganda Investigate Front Page Micro Finance and Three Other Microfinance Firms

Ugandan Police are investigating four savings and co-operative credit organisations (SACCOs) suspected of fraud. They are alleged to be cheating their clients and making withdrawal of deposit money very difficult. The organisations are Front Page Micro Finance, Faster Micro Finance, Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Support Uganda Finance Limited and Stade Rugando Finance, all based in Kampala.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: The Small Entrepreneurs Loan Facility (SELF) Microfinance Project in Tanzania Disburses USD 277,108 in Loans to Three Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies

The Small Entrepreneurs Loan Facility (SELF) project, which is a wholesale microfinance lending project jointly funded by the Tanzanian Government and the African Development Bank has made loans to three Tanzanian savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Post Bank Uganda Receives Sh2 billion (USD 1 million) from the Microfinance Support Center

The Microfinance Support Center, the government owned limited liability company set up to aid in managing rural microfinance, has given a USD 1,117,318 re-capitalization grant to Post Bank Uganda, a government owned limited liability bank.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Front Page Microfinance of Uganda Continues Recruitment Drive Despite Opposition from Government

Ugandan microfinance company Front Page announced that they will carry on with their controversial job recruitment drive, regardless of government officials denouncing their methods. With 304 vacancies, the MFI is offering jobs exclusively to applicants who are members of the institution.

Ugandan Village Leaders Receive Training to Form Savings and Credit Cooperatives

A government project began training rural chiefs to give them the skills to start and manage savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs). The cost to the Ugandan Microfinance Ministry is estimated to be $1.8 million. In addition, the government budgeted $42 million for making loans to newly-formed SACCOs emerging from the project. SACCOs are non-profit, member-owned microfinance institutions.

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Impulse Microfinance Investment Fund Loans 1 Million Euros to Prizma in Bosnia & Herzegovina

Microfinance Institution (MFI) Prizma received a EUR 1 million (USD $1.02 million) loan from Impulse Microfinance Investment Fund. Prizma is a non-bank financial institution established in 1997, with 5 branch offices and 35 satellite offices across Bosnia & Herzegovina. It reports an outstanding loan portfolio of 20.96 million km (USD $13.57 million), with an average loan balance of $731. It recently received loans totaling EUR 1 million from the Triodos-Doen fund.

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