MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Invests USD 6.4 Million in Latin American Microfinance Institutions

 The Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) recently reported Oikocredit, a Dutch cooperative investment fund, invested a total of USD 6.4 million in five microfinance institutions in Latin America. The largest investment was USD 4.4 million in loans to EDPYME Edyficar, a microfinance apex institution based in Santa Cruz Miraflores, Peru this past February 2008. Other investments in February went to Fundacion Campo of El Salvador (USD 1.05 million), Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo (USD 500 thousand), Cooperativa San Antonio Ltd. of Nicaragua (USD 300 thousand), and Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples TEPEYAC also of Nicaragua (USD 200 thousand).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Invests $7.4m in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Latin America in January 2008

The Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse reported that Oikocredit, a co-operative financial development institution in the Netherlands, issued loans totaling USD 7.4 million in January 2008. Of this total, USD 3.95 million was invested in three microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Eastern and Central Asia: Opportunity Bank, Kompanion, and Microloan Fund (MLF) Microinvest. The remaining USD 3.45 million was invested in three MFIs in Latin America: Prestanic, FONDECO, and MiCrédito.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Microfinance Financier, Oikocredit, of the Netherlands Announces Preliminary Results for 2007

Oikocredit of the Netherlands, recently announced preliminary results for 2007. The report reveals a 44 percent growth in dispersals since 2006. The microfinance financier disbursed EUR 135 million, the equivalent of over USD 195 million, in the form of loans, credit lines, equity investments, and guarantees to 266 project partners worldwide. The total amount outstanding with these project partners grew by 33 percent to EUR 277 million, the equivalent of over USD 400 million. This does not include the recent investment of USD 12.2 million in 11 different Latin America microfinance institutions (MFIs) earlier this month as reported by microcapital.org. Oikocredit also announced that it intends to continue paying a 2 percent dividend to its members.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Invests $12.2m in Latin American Microfinance Institutions

Oikocredit invested a total of USD 12.2 million in eleven different Latin American microfinance institutions (MFIs) during November 2007 according to the Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Lends $1m to Latin America Microfinance Promoter Pro Mujer

The Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse, reported Oikocredit, a co-operative financial development institution in the Netherlands, issued a loan to the Pro Mujer Network.  The network reported that the loan was extended to Pro Mujer Peru in the amount of 3.2 million nuevos soles (USD 1 million).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Lends $1m to Latin America Microfinance Institution IDEPRO

The Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse, reported Oikocredit, a co-operative financial development institution in the Netherlands, issued a loan of USD 1 million to IDEPRO (Desarrollo de la Pequeña Unidad Productiva), a Latin America microfinance institution (MFI).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit of the Netherlands Lends $1.3m to Eastern Europe Microfinance Institution PRIZMA and $2.1m to East Asia Microfinance Institution Cambodian Entrepreneur Building Limited

The Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse, reported Oikocredit, a co-operative financial development institution in the Netherlands, has issued a loan of USD 1.3 million to PRIZMA, an Eastern Europe microfinance institution (MFI), and issued another loan of USD 2.1 million to another MFI, Cambodian Entrepreneur Building Limited (CEB).

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit Loans USD 514,028 to Hermandad de Honduras

This story comes courtesy of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) and the MIX, the microfinance information clearinghouse, from the CGAP-MIX Microfinance Capital Markets Newsletter. The newsletter has reported that Oikocredit, a financial institution of the Netherlands, has lent USD 514,028 to Hermandad de Honduras, a Honduran social services organization that deals in microfinance. The loan contributes to Hermandad’s micro loan portfolio of USD 5.0 million, a portfolio increase of 10.1 percent (see “Financial Statements”). The present portfolio provides loans to 9,812 customers, with micro loan sizes averaging USD 512.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Oikocredit Issues Shares in Local Currencies to Facilitate Microfinance in those Countries

Oikocredit, a Cooperative Investment Society based in the Netherlands, has decided at its Annual General Meeting to issue shares not only in the USD and the Euro, as they currently do, but also to expand to include other currencies as well. To start, shares will be issued in Sweden and in the United Kingdom to attract investors from those countries. In time, however, the organization hopes to also include currencies such as the South African Rand and the Indian Rupee, yielding an improved currency match for Oikocredit.

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MICROCAPITAL STORY: Dutch Oikocredit Makes 20 Loans to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Worldwide Totaling Approximately USD 19.7 Million in One Month’s Time

This story comes to us here at MicroCapital.org courtesy of the May 2007 CGAP-MIX Capital Markets Update Newsletter. Oikocredit of the Netherlands made twenty seperate loans to microfinance institutions (MFIs) worldwide between March 22, 2007 and April 25, 2007. The most recently disbursed portion of this USD 19.7 mn in funding from the Dutch-based Oikocredit went to the Centro de Apoio aos Pequenos Empreendimentos (CPAE) of Brazil via a USD 308,417 loan on April 25, 2007. The CPAE reported to the MIX market, the microfinance information clearinghouse, at the end of 2005 as having a gross loan portfolio of USD 3.8 mn and USD 4.5 mn in total assets. Its capital to asset ratio during the same time period was 57.74% and its ratio of debt to equity was 73.18%.

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MICROCAPITAL STORY: Dutch Oikocredit Makes a USD 50,500 Equity Investment in CAP Microfinance

This story comes to us here at MicroCapital.org courtesy of the May 2007 CGAP-MIX Capital Markets Update Newsletter. Oikocredit, based in the Netherlands, made a USD 50,500 equity investment in CAP Microfinance, which does not report to the MIX Market, the microfinance information clearinghouse. This equity investment is not typical of Oikocredit which supports sustainable microfinance institutions (MFIs) mainly through loans, but is not without precedent.

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Dutch Oikocredit Invests over USD 1.2 mn in Three Filipino Microfinance Institutions: ASA Philippines Foundation, National Confederation of Cooperatives in the Philippines, Milamdec Foundation

More deals coming to us courtesy of the April 2007 CGAP-MIX newsletter. The Dutch financial development cooperative Oikocredit made three loans totaling over USD 1.2 mn to three separate microfinance institutions (MFIs) in the Philippines. ASA Philippines Foundation, which does not report to MIX market, the microfinance information clearinghouse, or make its financial data available to the public, received a loan of USD 625,500. The National Confederation of Cooperatives in the Philippines (NATCCO) received a loan of USD 417,500. NATCCO is a credit union that was created in 1977 by the joining of five regional training centers in the Philippines. NATCCO also does not report to the MIX market.

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Oikocredit Invests $2 million in the Costa Rican Microfinance Institution, Financiera Desyfin

Another story coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX Capital Markets Update newsletter, the Costa Rica based microfinance institution Financiera Desyfin receives a USD 2 mm loan from Oikocredit. Established in 1993, Financiera Desyfin’s mission is to provide financial services to micro-entrepreneurs throughout Costa Rica, in order to contribute to the nation’s growth and economic independence. Currently, Financiera Desyfin does not report to the MIX Market, the microfinance information clearing house, and no other information on its performance is publicly available.

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Oikocredit Invests $300,000 in the Nicaragua based Microfinance Institution, Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Microempresa (FUDEMI)

Another story coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX Capital Markets Update newsletter, Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Microempresa (FUDEMI) received a USD 300,000 loan from Oikocredit. FUDEMI was created in 1991 in Managua, Nicaragua, with the vision of contributing to the economic and social development of micro-entrepreneurs by means of credit necessities and other financial services. According to the MIX Market, the microfinance clearing house, as of December 31st 2005, FUDEMI had a gross loan portfolio of USD 2,116,235, total assets of 2,270,996, a return on assets of 3.97% and a debt to equity ratio of 345.56%.

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Crédito con Educación Rural (CRECER) Receives $1.5 million Loan from Oikocredit

Another story coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX Capital Markets Update newsletter, Oikocredit made a USD 1.5 mm loan to Crédito con Educación Rural (CRECER) of Bolivia. CRECER is a private non-for-profit organization which exclusively serves women using the village banking methodology. Village banks consist of savings and credit associations managed by organized lenders with common interests. As stated on the MIX Market, the microfinance institution informational clearinghouse, as of December 2006, CRECER had 88,435 active borrowers, a gross loan portfolio of USD 23,015,416, total assets of USD 26,743,584 and its debt to equity ratio was 209.95%.
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The Nicaraguan based Microfinance Institution, Pana Pana Receives $250,000 Loan from Oikocredit

Another deal coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX MCM Newsletter, the Nicaraguan based Microfinance Institution Pana Pana, receives a USD 250,000 loan from Oikocredit. Pana Pana does not report to the MIX Market, the microfinance clearing house, and no other financial information is currently available.

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The Guatemala based Microfinance Institution, Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Rural, Receives a $400,000 Loan from Oikocredit

Another deal coming to us courtesy of the CGAP-MIX MCM Newsletter, the Guatemala based Microfinance institution Asociación de Desarrollo Integral Rural (ASDIR) receives a USD 400,000 loan from Oikocredit. Established in 1999, ASIR’s goal is to provide financial services to the people of Guatemala. According to the MIX Market, the microfinance clearing house, as of December 31st 2005, its gross loan portfolio equaled USD 1,745,085 and its total assets were USD 2,030,743. Its debt to equity ratio was 349.39%, its return on assets was 1.48% and its return on equity was 7.43%. In addition, as of December 2005 ASDIR had 822 active borrowers.

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