MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Pahal Financial Services Borrowing $3.5m from Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation for Microfinance for Women in India

The Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, has agreed to lend EUR 3 million (USD 3.5 million) over three years to Pahal Financial Services, a microfinance institution based in Ahmedabad, India. Caroline Brandt, senior investment manager at GCA Foundation, stated that the partnership will

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation Approves 3-year Loan of $1.4m to Microfinance Institution Mikra of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, has agreed to issue a three-year loan of EUR 1.2 million (USD 1.4 million) to Mikra, a microfinance institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina that seeks to “provide financial services to the poorest but economically active populations.” Of the microlender’s 15,000 clients, about 10,200 are female and 8,700 live in rural areas. Mikra’s group and individual loans range in size from

SPECIAL REPORT: Shafiqual Haque Choudhury: A Practical Visionary

Shafiqual Shafiqual Haque ChoudhuryHaque Choudhury was born into a landowning family in what was then East Pakistan. Just after he graduated as a sociologist from Dhaka University, a brutal civil war in 1971 ended in the emergence of his new country, Bangladesh.

Wanting to do something about the devastating post-war poverty and underdevelopment, Shafiq joined an overseas charity that had come to Dhaka after the war. But the fishing co-operatives that he helped to form were all too often controlled by their wealthier members, and he took the Maoist view that the poor needed to confront these local elites more directly. With funds from sympathetic international donors, he founded the Association for Social Advancement (ASA) in 1978.

ASA formed groups of working men in the villages, trained them in night schools to “recognise the sources of their oppression” and urged them to carry out “social actions” like work and rent strikes as well as withholding repayments due to moneylenders. The plan was to federate the groups at local, then at district and finally at national levels, with the ultimate goal of creating a government that reflected the needs of its poorest citizens.

It didn’t work. Social actions were few and

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation Lends $1.8m to Entrepreneur Financial Center (EFC) in Zambia

The Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, has granted its first loan to Entrepreneur Financial Center (EFC), a microfinance institution (MFI) located in Zambia. The three-year loan is in local currency equivalent to approximately USD 1.8 million. EFC Zambia serves micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and has eight branches. The MFI holds 20,000 savings and term deposit accounts and as of February 2021 has disbursed 51,000 MSME loans totaling ZMW 155 million (USD 7.2 million). It has 3,000 borrowers, nearly half of whom are women or organizations owned by women. In addition to business loans, the MFI offers

SPECIAL REPORT: e-MFP Publishes Taking Shelter: Housing Finance for the World’s Poor

From European Microfinance Platformthe European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP): While the 2020 European Microfinance Award spotlights the importance of savings, e-MFP takes the opportunity to look back to the 2017 Award and revisit the importance of housing. Even more than savings, housing is one of those parts of microfinance that has been around for decades, yet which remains relegated to niche status. And yet, like savings, housing finance holds out the promise of real-world improvements for millions of poor households while simultaneously expanding the opportunities for financial service providers (FSPs).

That is why, in partnership with Practical Action Publishing, e-MFP is publishing its

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation Lends $2.4m to Microinvest of Moldova for Microfinance, Mostly in Rural Areas

The Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, recently loaned approximately MDL 39 million (USD 2.4 million) to Microinvest, a microlender in Moldova. Microinvest offers collateral and collateral-free loans for business, agriculture, housing, vehicles and consumption. These loans range in size from MDL 2,000 (USD 120) to MDL 4 million (USD 240,000), with terms of 3 months to 7 years. Microinvest has a portfolio of MDL 1.9 billion (USD 114 million) outstanding to 35,000 clients as of 2020. About two thirds of these customers live in rural areas, and the male-female ratio is even.

Microinvest is majority held by Balkan Financial Sector Equity Fund. The Romania-based Banca Transilvania Financial Group was seeking

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: CAURIE Microfinance of Senegal Borrows $1.4m from Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Mostly for Rural Women

Coopérative Autonome pour le Renforcement des Initiatives Économiques par la Micro finance (CAURIE-MF), a microfinance institution in Senegal, recently borrowed the approximate equivalent of USD 1.4 million from the Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg. Based in the city of Thies, CAURIE-MF serves about 80,000 women, including 48,000

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: ADA, Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation Respond to COVID-19 with Information Sharing, Funding, Partnerships

Luxembourg-based NGOs ADA (Appui au Développement Autonome) and the Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation have launched a range of resources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic including the following:

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Zola, EDF Harness Securitization to Expand Solar Energy in Côte d’Ivoire with Support from Credit Agricole CIB, Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation, Societe Generale, AfDB

Credit Agricole CIB (Corporate and Investment Bank), a member of the France-based Credit Agricole Group; the Luxembourg-based Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation; and French investment firm NEoT Off-Grid Africa recently launched a securitization vehicle to enable Zola EDF Côte d’Ivoire to increase its sales of solar power systems to households that are not connected to traditional power grids. Zola EDF Côte d’Ivoire, which uses a

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: 26 Inclusive Finance Players Pledge to Support Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), Clients Throughout Pandemic

At the initiative of the Luxembourg-based Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, microfinance lenders and other operators in the inclusive finance sector have agreed to a set of “Key Principles to Protect Microfinance Institutions and Their Clients in the COVID-19 Crisis.” The commitment involves measures including: operating in a customer-centric manner, protecting staff members, sharing

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Invests $19m in Microfinance for Women via Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation

The Japan-based Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company recently invested JPY 2 billion (USD 18.6 million) in a “Microfinance and Gender Loan” scheme, which was arranged by Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB), a member of the France-based Crédit Agricole Group. The funding will allow the Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, “to support microfinance institutions focusing [on]

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: 40 Funders Commit $75m via World Economic Forum COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs

The World Economic Forum, a Switzerland-based nonprofit, recently convened the COVID Response Alliance for Social Entrepreneurs, through which 40 organizations are aligning their efforts to reduce the economic and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. These 40 organizations support 15,000 entrepreneurs who have served a total of 1.5 billion customers in 190 countries by “protecting livelihoods; mitigating millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide; improving access to health, sanitation, education and energy; [and having] driven social inclusion movements for the disabled, homeless or those with refugee status.”

The alliance members have committed a total of USD 75 million in response to the pandemic. In addition, they are working together to assess needs; increase recovery funding; coordinate legal, technological and

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microfinance Providers Report Wide Range of COVID-19 Effects via Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation Survey

From March 11 to March 19, the Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, collected observations from 56 microfinance institutions (MFIs) regarding the effects of COVID-19. Markets are closed, putting traders out of work; and group borrowers’ meetings are canceled. While these are replaced in some instances with door-to-door trans­actions, other MFIs are reducing in-person transactions to minimize virus transmission. Remittance inflows are down. Tourism enterprises are being asked to return deposits for canceled

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation Guaranteeing $3.3m Loan to Tasaheel for Microfinance in Egypt

Crédit Agricole Egypt (CA Egypt), a unit of France’s Crédit Agricole Group, recently partnered with the Grameen Crédit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is Luxembourg, to provide funding to Tasaheel for Microfinance Foundation, a microfinance institution in Egypt, “in the form of

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation Loans $3.8m to Proximity, Chamroeun for Microfinance in Myanmar, Cambodia

The Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, recently issued the following loans: (1) MMK 3 billion (USD 2 million) to Proximity Designs, a US-registered NGO that operates exclusively in Myanmar; and (2) USD 1.8 million to Chamroeun of Cambodia to help

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation Loans $1.7m to EFC Zambia, Provider of Housing, Microenterprise Loans

The Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation, whose head office is in Luxembourg, has loaned local currency approximately equivalent to USD 1.7 million to Entrepreneur Financial Centre (EFC) Zambia, a microfinance institution offering loans and savings services, mainly in urban areas. Founded in 1996, the microbank offers loans for working capital, invoice

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Agora Microfinance Zambia (AMZ) Borrows $324k from Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation

Agora Microfinance Zambia (AMZ) recently borrowed the local-currency equivalent of USD 324,000 from the Luxembourg-based Grameen Credit Agricole (GCA) Foundation. The loan has a term of three years. During 2018, the microfinance institution (MFI) began offering