MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organization (MiCRO) Created to Help Protect Microentrepreneurs in Haiti

A donor-capitalized insurance facility, Microinsurance Catastrophe Risk Organization (MiCRO), has been developed by a syndicate of stakeholders in an effort to empower Haiti’s microentrepreneurs to protect themselves against the economic aftermath of natural catastrophes.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Microfinance Institution AccessBank of Azerbaijan Receives First $10m Tranche of $20m Loan From Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) and Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB)

AccessBank, a microfinance institution (MFI) based in Azerbaijan, has received the first tranche of USD 10 million as part of a USD 20 million syndicated loan from Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO), a Dutch public-private partnership that aims to promote developing economies, and Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG (OeEB), the development bank of Austria. The three-year syndicated loan was organized by FMO with participation from OeEB, with each institution contributing USD 10 million. The loan will be directed to financing micro- and small businesses in Azerbaijan.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Freedom from Hunger Staff Co-author “Integrating microfinance and health strategies: examining the evidence to inform policy and practice”

The latest edition of Health Policy and Planning, which is published by the Oxford Journals division of Oxford University Press, includes a paper that examines the benefits of integrating microfinance with health protection services and makes recommendations intended to inform policy and program design for expansion of the practice. The paper can be found at http://heapol.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/02/21/heapol.czr014.abstract

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: International Finance Corporation (IFC) Expands Microinsurance in Kenya and Rwanda through Syngenta, International Livestock Research Institute, MicroEnsure

Recently, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), an organization under the World Bank Group that has been a significant source of financing for the microfinance industry, agreed to confer to three microinsurance projects in East Africa a grant of USD 4.1 million, which is expected to allow 35,000 farmers and 5,000 livestock herders in Rwanda and Kenya to protect their crops and livestock from natural disasters.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Asian Development Bank (ADB) Launches $250m Microfinance Risk Participation Program

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), an international development organization based in Manila, Philippines, approved a Microfinance Risk Participation Program to increase microfinance lending in its member developing countries including Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Asian Development Bank Invests in Microfinance through $10m Equity Placement in Shorecap II Fund

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), an international development organization based in Manila, Philippines, announced that it will be making an equity investment of up to USD 10 million in Shorecap II Fund (SCII), the successor to Shorecap International (SCI), a microfinance investment vehicle (MIV) established in 2003.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: MFTransparency to Launch Transparent Pricing Initiative in Eight West African Countries, in Partnership with Luxembourg Development Cooperation

(Version Française de la publication ci-dessous)

MFTransparency, a non-governmental organization which promotes accurate and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry, recently expanded its transparent pricing initiative to eight West African countries: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Guinea Bissau, Mali and Niger.

MICROCAPITAL BRIEF: Students Make Commitments to Microfinance At Third Annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Meeting in Miami, Florida

At the third annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) meeting which recently took place at the University of Miami, Florida, students, universities and national youth organizations made commitments to implement solutions to global challenges worth approximately USD 42 million; several of the commitments are aimed at advancing microfinance efforts around the world.

KNOW A MICROFINANCE FUND: Luxembourg Microbanking Intermediary Scheme Appui au Developpement Autonome (Luxmint ADA), Microcred Group, MicroCredit Enterprises, CRS CORDAID Microfinance Alliance Fund

The following funds are detailed in this brief:
Luxembourg Microbanking Intermediary Scheme Appui au Developpement Autonome (Luxmint ADA)

Microcred Group

MicroCredit Enterprises

CRS CORDAID Microfinance Alliance Fund

MICROFINANCE EVENT: Microfinance Investments in Asia: Capturing the Untapped Potential of Asian Markets & International Investors

Event Name: Microfinance Investments in Asia: Capturing the Untapped Potential of Asian Markets & International Investors

Event Type: Conference

Event Description: This conference is intended for “central banks, policy makers, commercial banks, asset managers, private and institutional investors, multilateral investors, foundations, and family offices” to come together and gain exposure to opportunities for investments in microfinance in Asia. Attendees will gain such exposure through being presented with case studies and project results, as well as through the networking aspect of the conference. Specific opportunities through sessions are as follows:

WHO’S WHO IN MICROFINANCE: Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Inc. of the Philippines

The Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD) Inc. was established in December 1986 as a social development fund. In 1997, it became the first NGO to transform into a licensed rural bank. CARD was founded by Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip, and organized by 15 rural development practitioners as a response to the growing poverty rate in Regions IV and V of the Philippines. Their vision was to establish a bank created for, and owned and managed by landless rural women. In 1989, a group-lending pilot was launched by CARD, based on the Grameen Bank’s methodology. A year later, CARD launched its credit arm, the Landless People’s Development Fund (LPDF) [1].

MICROCAPITAL.ORG PAPER WRAP-UP: Elevated Food Prices – Impact on Microfinance Clients by Zaved Ahmed and Camilla Nestor

By Zaved Ahmed and Camilla Nestor, Grameen Foundation, published by the MixMarket Microbanking Bulletin, Issue 18, Spring 2009, pages 14-16, available at: 


According to the report in the Spring 2009 MixMarket Microbanking Bulletin, food prices in developing countries remain elevated (above international market prices) and continue to negatively impact microfinance clients.  Amazingly enough, approximately 1 billion people (nearly one-sixth of the world’s population) subsist on less than USD 1 per day.  Both Ahmed and Nestor of the Grameen Foundation note that increasing food prices have the greatest effect on the poor populations that spend between 70 and 80 percent of their household income on food.

MICROCAPITAL STORY: Agile Financial Technologies (Agile FT) of the United Arab Emirates Signs Deal with Theme Technologies (Theme) of India to Acquire Theme’s Micro-Finance, Micro-Credit and Credit Management Products

Agile Financial Technologies (Agile FT), a software technology provider, will acquire information technology company Theme Technologies’ (Theme) micro-finance, micro-credit, and credit management products. Agile FT will rebrand and launch the products as Agilis Universal Microfinance (Agilis UMF). The agreement is an earn-out mechanism over three years where part of the purchase price is contingent upon the future performance of Theme.