PRESS RELEASE: CGAP Releases Microfinance Investment Vehicles Performance and Prospects: Highlights from the CGAP 2009 MIV Benchmark Survey

Source: CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor).Original press release available online.

WASHINGTON, September 18 – CGAP’s 2009 Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIVs) Survey sheds light on the resilience of microfinance investments. MIVs grew by 31 percent in 2008 and posted strong returns on investments in the face of one of the toughest financial crises in decades. However, overall MIV performance may deteriorate in 2009 as the impact of adverse market conditions, including increased credit risks, hits. The survey, for the first time, also reveals MIVs’ efforts to include environment, social, and governance considerations in their investment policies, due diligence, and monitoring.

Foreign capital investments in microfinance passed the USD 10 billion mark in December 2008. More than half of this cross-border investment is managed by MIVs. This new and fast-growing segment of the emerging market asset class is attracting a broad range of socially oriented investors.

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