SPECIAL REPORT: Digital Education: Up-skill Yourself for Life After COVID-19

As the world continues its fight against COVID-19, we are all beginning to wonder just what “normal” life may look like in a post-pandemic world. For education, the disease has acted as a ca­talyst for online learning, with even grade-school teachers and students grappling with lessons delivered virtually.

The ability to study at one’s own pace, whenever, wherever and however one desires, makes online learning hugely accessible for most, especially in a time when direct interaction is not an option. That said, it must be noted that the benefits of class­room training have not been completely superseded – it is hard to imagine a world where the value of learning through direct human interaction becomes obsolete.

The progressive way: Blended learning

With this in mind, the FS Sustainable World Academy is delighted to unveil brand-new diplomas in Financial Inclusion and Green Finance. These 12-month blended learning programmes combine the benefits of online learning with classroom training, allowing participants to develop their skills beyond what they can learn in our standalone Certified Expert courses.

The new programmes allow participants to create their own curricula, giving them the freedom to sculpt their studies to mesh with their career goals. The first two periods of each diploma are online, affording partici­pants the chance to study how and when they desire. The third period is one week of classroom training and hands-on learning in Frankfurt, Germany, at the Sustainable World Academy’s distinguished Summer Academy. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow participants, industry experts and FS International Advisory Services staff.

Frankfurt School, Diploma in Financial Inclusion

The diplomas cover an otherwise missing middle in the Sustainable World Academy’s portfolio. Many participants in the e-campus courses want to extend their study beyond one Certified Expert course, but face limitations when considering a Masters application – whether in terms of the cost of tuition or their ability to juggle the time commitment along­side full-time work. The diplomas address these concerns by offering accessible classes, a customisable program and affordable tuition.

The new diplomas also advance the Sustainable World Academy’s commit­ment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, targeting those who are ready to make a change in the economies of developing countries and expand the fight against climate change.

In its long-term recovery from the COVID-19 outbreak, the world will turn to its next generation of financial experts, who will find oppor­tunities to rebuild toward a brighter economic and environmental future. The new diplomas will help equip this future generation with the hands-on skills and technical expertise they need to make a real difference!

By Dr Barbara Drexler, the Head of the Sustainable World Academy at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, which is the sponsor of this feature. Dr Drexler is also the programme director for the Master of Leadership in Sustainable Finance – online. She is passionate about bringing forth sustainable change and firmly believes that education can play an important role in this change.

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