United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Makes a USD 400 mn Grant to Lebanon, Including USD 2 mn for Microfinance

As part of a US pledge of USD 770 mn at the Paris III donor conference, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide Lebanon USD 400 mn over the next two to three years in grants for economic growth. Only USD 2 mn, or 0.5 percent of the total, will go towards microfinance. The grant does, however, include USD 5 mn for small and medium enterprises. The US Congress has not yet approved the deal, but according to the Lebanon Daily Star, the USAID office in Lebanon is expecting to launch the new projects within six months. The disbursement of the aid is tied to the country’s political situation; the money will not enter the country until the political crisis has cooled down and stability has returned.

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